Benefits of studying in the USA for Indian students

More Indian students are preferring to study in the USA for their degrees these days. The US is home to several excellent universities with abroad range of academic offerings, which contribute to this rising trend. Let’s examine the causes of this trend, the benefits of earning a degree from the US, and things to think about before deciding.

Are you a Student? Thinking to start your higher education in USA? No matter if you’re just beginning your research or have already picked out a particular university, Here is the complete guide for you on  the benefits of earning a US degree, and some factors to consider before making a decision. Keep reading to learn more about studying in the US!

Growing Interest for Indian Students Seeking US Degree

The Open Doors Report (ODR) states that there were 268,923 international students enrolled in academic year 2022–2023 an all-time high with a 35%  increase in Indian students studying abroad. American universities are well known for providing excellent education to their students. Students have a deeper understanding of their subjects as a result of their concentrate on research and practical experience.

Additionally, studying abroad offers the chance to interact with individuals from all over the world and experience various cultures. This helps in preparing for careers in a global market and see life from many angles. Students may find it easier to obtain better employment and greater salaries abroad or in India by earning a degree from a prestigious US university. Indian students are increasingly choosing US degrees because they provide opportunities to learn and develop through experiences.

Benefits of Studying in USA:

Here are five reasons that students find attractive about US study options:

Acclaimed Universities:

Some of the Top institutions worldwide, including Yale, Princeton, MIT, Harvard, and Columbia, are all located in the United States and are well-known for their exceptional educational programmes. These offer excellent facilities and resources that go beyond textbook instruction. Going to one of these high-ranking colleges or universities in the US means you’ll get a really good education, which can make it easier to land great job offers from top companies all over the world.

Below is the list of some of the top universities in USA:

1Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge
2Harvard UniversityCambridge
3Stanford UniversityStanford …
4Cornell UniversityIthaca
5University of California, BerkeleyBerkeley …
6University of MichiganAnn Arbor …
7University of WashingtonSeattle …
8Columbia University in the City of New YorkNew York City
9University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia
10Yale UniversityNew Haven

Multicultural Atmosphere:

The USA is often referred to as a “melting pot,” where individuals from all cultures interact to create a diverse and fascinating civilization. Immigrant students and job seekers across the nation feel happy and accepted as a result of this rapid welcome of other cultures. The diverse range of cultures, languages, and customs contributes to what makes America exceptional. It’s wonderful that people feel like they belong to places across the nation, regardless of their origins. This cultural melting pot not only embraces uniqueness but also fosters mutual respect and learning, enriching life in America.

Academic Flexibility:

At US universities, academic flexibility is highly valued. Students can tailor their studies to their choice and don’t have to pick a major until later on in their degree, usually by the second year. This allows individuals to experiment with many subjects and select the most appropriate one for them.

Career Development Initiatives

Establishing meaningful relationships is essential for students to explore job opportunities in the United States, and American universities facilitate this process. They plan activities such as workshops and job fairs to assist students in developing their careers. At every turn along the route, mentors and instructors will also be available to provide advice and support.

Professional Opportunities available after graduating:

Even in difficult times like the pandemic, the United States of America remains a top choice for employment and education. Getting a master’s degree from a US university can boost your chances of finding a good job there. The US has numerous industries like technology, finance, and healthcare, that require competent individuals.  Plus, the country’s strong economy and high living standards make it appealing for career growth and stability.

After finishing a master’s in the USA, international students can work there. They can apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT), allowing them to work in their field for up to 12 months after graduating. STEM students might get a 24-month extension. Another option is the H-1B visa for specialised jobs.

Here are some of the opportunities that offer good pay and career growth:

Job RoleSalary per annum in $
Budget Analysts $72964
Financial analysts$68538
Financial examiners$81,068
Computer and information research scientists$121,494
Support specialists$56,403
Network architects$130,434
System Analyst$78587
Information security analyst$100,382
Web developer$82,854
Computer programmer$58,343
IT manager$88,872
Project Manager$86766
Financial analyst$74753
Human Resource Manager$116,454
Business development Manager$117,506
Engineering Manager$146,231
Data Scientist$123836
Statistical Analyst$80,092
Data Analyst$75770
Data administrator$92,194
Operations Research Analyst$82,360
Petroleum engineers$101,177
Aerospace and aeronautical engineers$131,785
Chemical engineers$88,738
Electrical and Electronics Engineers$155,203
Material science engineers$98,300
Mechanical engineers$82,422
Biomedical and biotechnical engineers$87,404
Environmental engineer$80,452
Civil engineers$80,928
Structural engineers$92,510
Geotechnical engineers$93,020
Transportation engineers$71,273
Nurse practitioner$125, 101
Medical and Health services manager$101,340
Physician assistant$133,799
Graphic designer$55,022
Media producer$67,132
Brand manager$68,817
Mobile designer$73,806
Art directors$75,089
Script writer (TV)$69,562
Video game designers$83,941
Digital designers$84,639
Interactive art director$117,988
Product designer$92,196
Creative director$98,345
User experience designer$119,252
Digital community manager$48,054
Web content specialist$51,779
SEO specialist$55,797
Public relations manager$56507
Marketing executive$57,067
Digital marketing coordinator$57561
Global marketing manager$64,291
Digital strategist$65,430
Marketing analyst$66,104
Marketing director$72,403
Product marketing manager$98,056

Part-Time Work Opportunities:

Students with F1 visas in the US have the opportunity to work on campus for up to 20 hours per week during the semester and up to 40 hours per week during breaks. These on-campus jobs can include positions in places like the cafeteria or library. However, it’s important to note that F1 visa holders are not allowed to work off-campus without authorization from US Immigration Services. Contacting their university’s career office might help those who want to find out if they qualify for off-campus employment permits.

Financial support for students:

Although studying in the United States can be expensive, students have access to several grants, scholarships, and other forms of financial assistance. Public and private schools offer federal scholarships and loans to students from other countries. Also, there are scholarships outside of universities that are supported by governments and private organizations.

Here are list of some scholarships for Indian Students:

  • Tata Scholarship for Cornell University
  • Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships
  • Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program
  • Fulbright  – Nehru Fellowships
  • International Education Financial Aid
  • AAUW  International Fellowships
  • Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship


In the USA, where you stay as a student depends on the university you pick and where it’s located. Indian students in the USA can choose from different types of accommodation like shared flats, studios, private rooms, residences, and apartments. About half of the students stay in dorms on campus, while nearly 69% prefer off-campus housing.

Rent for rooms in the USA ranges from $620 to $2,000 (INR 50,904-1,64,207) per month on average. If you’re attending a private college for four years, you might need around $12,990 (INR 10,66,526) each year for room and board. It’s essential to consider the cost of living in the USA and plan your budget carefully when choosing where to live.

Food : In the USA, you can find lots of different kinds of food. There are American foods like burgers and pizza, as well as international foods. If you like Indian food, you can find some restaurants that serve it. Some cities also have Indian grocery stores where you can buy ingredients to cook at home. Many schools also have places to eat on campus.

Climate : The weather in the USA is different depending on where you are. Some places have mild winters and warm summers, while others have cold winters with snow. Before you go, check the weather in the city where you’ll be staying so you know what kind of clothes to bring.

Transportation : Getting around in the USA is easy. There are buses, trains, and subways in many cities, so you can use public transportation. You can also use apps like Uber or Lyft to get a ride. Some people also ride bikes or walk to get where they need to go. If you plan to drive, make sure to learn the rules of the road and get a driver’s license if you need one.

Grasping English speaking skills:

Studying in the USA is great for getting better at English. Being good at English is really important for jobs, and most campuses have resources to help international students with English. Plus, being around people speaking English all the time helps you get better naturally.  To pick up new English-speaking techniques, you can also go to courses and socialise with others.

G2G Overseas.

At G2G Overseas, we’re here to help you study abroad. With the support of our extensive network and team of professionals, we can provide you with individualized guidance on selecting the best university and programme as well as assistance with applying, obtaining a visa, and locating housing. We’ll make sure our services fit your needs and dreams, so you can make the best choices. Students around the world trust us because we’re great at what we do! Whether you want to study in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, or anywhere else, G2G Overseas is ready to help you grow and learn. Contact us now to start your journey!…

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