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Study Visa in USA

More than one-third of the 1.2 million students pursuing postsecondary education outside of their native nations decide to attend school in the United States. Why do so many students choose American schools and institutions from around the world? What can the United States provide for you…?

Academic Excellence: With top-notch programmes in almost every discipline, the American university system is among the best in the world. Excellent undergraduate programmes are available in both conventional disciplines and professional fields. Graduate students frequently get the chance to collaborate with some of the best minds in the world. American degrees are valued for their brilliance around the world.

Variety of Educational Opportunities: There is something for everyone in the American higher education system. While some American schools and universities have a strong emphasis on global educational concepts, others place an emphasis on employability skills, and still others have a strong technical, artistic, or social science focus. As a result, no matter how uncommon or specialised a field is, if you’re seeking for a place to study it, you can typically find multiple options in the United States.

Cutting-Edge Technology: Universities in the United States take pride in being at the cutting edge of educational and technological advancements and in providing their students with the best tools and resources. Even if your line of work doesn’t directly include science or engineering, you’ll learn how to gather and process information utilising the newest technology.

Flexibility: Although many programmes are very regimented, there are typically a lot of course options. You will be able to customise your course work to meet your unique needs when you are farther along in your degree programme. You can highlight concepts that are significant to you, your field, and your country when selecting themes for independent study for a graduate thesis or dissertation.


Candidates who successfully pass class XII are qualified to apply for the Bachelors Programme or Undergraduate Studies in the United States. The typical length of a bachelor’s degree or undergraduate studies is four years. While certain professional professions need five years of study, an expedited programme can sometimes be finished in three.

Undergraduate coursework lasts four years and entails 120 credits. An average course has three credits. Lab-related courses will receive 4 credits. When you complete approximately 40 courses in various subjects over the period of four years, you are awarded a Bachelor’s degree, sometimes known as an undergraduate degree.

In the USA, continuing your education after earning your bachelor’s degree is known as graduate study.

Candidates for the Master’s Degree in the USA must have successfully completed a four-year Bachelors Programme or Undergraduate Study. Holders of the typical three-year degrees in India (BA, B.Sc., and are also qualified for a master’s degree.

In the liberal arts, sciences, and some professional professions, a master’s degree is the first graduate degree that requires 30 credit hours of full-time study within a year or two. You can earn your Master’s degree by completing either 10 courses with 3 credits each in place of the thesis or 8 courses worth 3 credits each plus a 6 hour thesis.

Typical Applications require

Applications can usually be accessed via the Institution website.

  • Personal details
  • Subject/ major/ course choices
  • Education details (for example high school name, address and qualifications)
  • Standardized test details
  • Work experience (if applicable)
Application Check List
Application Process
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